Nigerian Food and Recipes

Happy New Year - 2021

January 01, 2021

2021 is finally here. If I had a wand, I would have wished that when it was midnight and the fireworks began, coronavirus will somehow disappear and we would have a lives back. It has been a traumatic 10 months and I would never had imagined the entire world experiencing what 2020 offered. 

Many people have lost dearly loved ones, many people are not here any more and many others still receiving treatment from this plague. This is in addition to all the many things we were already struggling with.

What can we do? We have to have hope, this is what the New Year always brings for those alive. Globally we celebrate new beginnings and hope for better things to come. It is low-key this time around but not forever. Let us be grateful for what have and celebrate in the safest way possible. Let us reach out to others and show love whichever way we can. 

We are still here and we have to make the best out of what we have here on earth.

So Happy New Year everybody and may this year bring us good tidings and many blessings 

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