Watermelon: Watermelon is a perfect fruit for weight loss and commonly sold in Nigeria. It has high water content Share Tweet Email More Ingredients Coconut Sugar Flavour/ Essences: Browning: Ginger Tomatoes Plantain Onions Oranges Egusi Carrot Cucumber Spices: Mango Baking Powder/ Soda Afang Dried Fruits Palm fruits Groundnut Ogbono Unshelled Periwinkle Sweet Potatoes Corn Pumpkin Leaves All Ingredients
Watermelon: Watermelon is a perfect fruit for weight loss and commonly sold in Nigeria. It has high water content Share Tweet Email More Ingredients Coconut Sugar Flavour/ Essences: Browning: Ginger Tomatoes Plantain Onions Oranges Egusi Carrot Cucumber Spices: Mango Baking Powder/ Soda Afang Dried Fruits Palm fruits Groundnut Ogbono Unshelled Periwinkle Sweet Potatoes Corn Pumpkin Leaves All Ingredients