Sweet Potatoes: Rich in ProVitamin A, Starch and Fibre, low in fat; also known to fill the tummy Share Tweet Email More Ingredients Carrot Browning: Bell Peppers Groundnut Turmeric Flavour/ Essences: Chili Pepper Plantain Ogbono Moi Moi Leaf Catfish Unshelled Periwinkle Beans Apples Ginger Milk: Waterleaf Udara Sweet Potatoes Coconut Eggs: Pumpkin Leaves Cabbage Okro All Ingredients
Sweet Potatoes: Rich in ProVitamin A, Starch and Fibre, low in fat; also known to fill the tummy Share Tweet Email More Ingredients Carrot Browning: Bell Peppers Groundnut Turmeric Flavour/ Essences: Chili Pepper Plantain Ogbono Moi Moi Leaf Catfish Unshelled Periwinkle Beans Apples Ginger Milk: Waterleaf Udara Sweet Potatoes Coconut Eggs: Pumpkin Leaves Cabbage Okro All Ingredients