Sweet Potatoes: Rich in ProVitamin A, Starch and Fibre, low in fat; also known to fill the tummy Share Tweet Email More Ingredients Lettuce Pineapple Ibaba seeds Milk: Irish Potatoes Uyayak Cocoyam Snails Groundnut Beans Tomatoes Yeast: Smoked Red Snapper Stockfish Flour: Chili Pepper Okro Rice Egusi Dried Fruits Spring Onions Sugar Cucumber Amala All Ingredients
Sweet Potatoes: Rich in ProVitamin A, Starch and Fibre, low in fat; also known to fill the tummy Share Tweet Email More Ingredients Lettuce Pineapple Ibaba seeds Milk: Irish Potatoes Uyayak Cocoyam Snails Groundnut Beans Tomatoes Yeast: Smoked Red Snapper Stockfish Flour: Chili Pepper Okro Rice Egusi Dried Fruits Spring Onions Sugar Cucumber Amala All Ingredients