Mango: This delicious fruit is rich in sugars and dietary fiber. It is also a good source of Vitamin A and C Share Tweet Email More Ingredients Corn Banana Cucumber Groundnut Spices: Yeast: Ogiri Moi Moi Leaf Smoked Catfish Chili Pepper Catfish Waterleaf Eggs: Turmeric Onions Avocado Watermelon Sugar Baking Powder/ Soda Flour: Rice Amala Beans Uyayak All Ingredients
Mango: This delicious fruit is rich in sugars and dietary fiber. It is also a good source of Vitamin A and C Share Tweet Email More Ingredients Corn Banana Cucumber Groundnut Spices: Yeast: Ogiri Moi Moi Leaf Smoked Catfish Chili Pepper Catfish Waterleaf Eggs: Turmeric Onions Avocado Watermelon Sugar Baking Powder/ Soda Flour: Rice Amala Beans Uyayak All Ingredients